Functional Rehabilitation and Movement Screening
“Are you moving poorly because you are in pain? Or are you in pain because you are moving poorly?” ~ Gray Cook PT
An extension of traditional physical therapy, functional rehabilitation involves greater emphasis on exercise strategies to retain body function necessary for daily life. Covering the three planes of movement stressed in kinesiology, functional rehabilitation is effective in restoring and improving strength, endurance, balance, agility, stability, power, coordination, speed, flexibility and body control. Functional rehabilitation will help create and reinforce new and correct movement patterns enabling you to stay pain free longer.
“Are you moving poorly because you are in pain? Or are you in pain because you are moving poorly?” ~ Gray Cook PT
An extension of traditional physical therapy, functional rehabilitation involves greater emphasis on exercise strategies to retain body function necessary for daily life. Covering the three planes of movement stressed in kinesiology, functional rehabilitation is effective in restoring and improving strength, endurance, balance, agility, stability, power, coordination, speed, flexibility and body control. Functional rehabilitation will help create and reinforce new and correct movement patterns enabling you to stay pain free longer.